BEVERLY HILLS 911-101- 451
By now you might be aware that Los Angeles faces its biggest wild-fires in living memory. Great swathes of city blocks raised to the ground. Mansions and hotels, local businesses, schools and community centres, homes. All wiped out of existence by raging fire-storms driven by extreme winds.
With a city such as L.A. boasting an average of 263 sunny days per year, perhaps it was a disaster waiting to happen. Particularly given the dry tinder-box conditions of California, in general, where temperatures can reach up to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. That might not sound like a lot but in Britain that is the average room temperature in any domestic home. That’s basically 20 degrees Celsius.
But in Britain, temperatures fluctuate to minus zero degrees Celsius to an average of 20 degrees Celsius, coupled with our good old consistent British rain.
However, L.A. is classed as borderline Mediterranean because of dry weather almost all year round, with little rain coverage, making forests and grasslands susceptible to wild-fires. The most if ever rains in LA is like five days in February.
Such bone-dry conditions are asking for trouble. Particularly when fire hydrants are empty and city reservoirs are filled to the bare minimum.
One of the worst affected areas is the Palisades area where 2,900 acres have been scorched out of existence, due to fire hydrants failing after three tanks (each holding a million gallons of water) went dry within a span of 12 hours.
Yet there are three reservoirs in the Palisades area alone, each holding 1,000,000 gallons of water. But somewhere along the line, that water wasn’t reaching the fire hydrants. And why is that?
Reports now emerge that the Palisades fires were given a helping hand by an arsonist, apprehended Thursday by locals, when he was caught torching the area with a flame thrower !
This opens a whole new can of worms. Were there more arsonists at play here? And to what end were their plans? Is this an act of terrorism? Possibly.
In any event, its quite possible that L.A. has fallen fowl of a perfect storm of miss-adventure, as we shall see...
Hollywood itself has always been associated with making movies. It’s basically the epicentre of all things movie-like. Anyone who wants to be anyone, must do a stint there, even if it’s just a bit-part. The allure of fame and riches is all consuming.
But any way you look at it, Tinsel town is in trouble. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Computer Generated Images (CGI), one only has to scroll Facebook or You Tube to see any high-end special FX movie scene, using only AI prompts by some kid with an I-phone.
These are utterly convincing and far cheaper than anything that Hollywood could ever hope to offer.
So it’s only a matter of time before AI makes entire movies to order. One day soon, you’ll slouch on your sofa and ask Alexa to conjure up an entire action-packed movie, with you, or your friends and family as its stars. Imagine your Grandmother as the Terminator or your Dad as Willy Wonker. That is the future.
Thus by the end of this decade, Hollywood as we know it, will cease to exist as a film industry.
And that will spell certain doom for the rich and famous that live in its opulent quarters, to the many corrupt movie magnates sleeping with little girls for kicks.
And that must make certain rich celebs nervous.
But what has this to do with the L.A. fires?
We’ve all heard about the Hollywood drug and paedophilia rings. The L.A. fires could also be a rather convenient way of disposing of any evidence that might lead to the conviction of anyone associated with the cities darker aspects.
In the wake of Ricky Gervais roasting celebs at the Oscars and the Harvey Weinstein scandal, whistle-blowers such as actor Corey Fieldman are coming out thick and fast.
High profile celebs have been put under scrutiny. Regardless of innocence. From Steven Spielberg to Mother Teresa.
What easier than to just burn up the evidence? Much like the Nazis burning all the paper-work to do with the death-camps.
But the trick is to make it look like a lone crazy man. With whole neighbourhoods now evacuated, looting is now abundant.
Just pay off some hard-up Q’anon fruitcake, arm him with a flame-thrower and tell him to burn Hollywood for a million bucks. Simples.
Meanwhile, vital stores of information, such as libraries, banks and computer servers have been destroyed. Paper trails and police cases dealing with corruption and paedophilia likely erased.
The L.A. fires also make it all rather convenient for insurance fraud. Insurance companies get bailed out by Government, by taxing the average Joe Blogs. Insurance premiums then sky-rocket and insurance companies make a lucrative profit.
Not to mention shrewd real-estate agents who will just move in and take over.
It’s easy money for those in the know. I’m talking about your average everyday psychopaths in suits. The types that never get their own hands dirty. They just get everyone else to do the hard work.
All the above simply feeds into the never ending cycle of corruption in our society. Hollywood as a movie centre no longer matters. All that matters is making a load of money out of yet another disaster.
Meanwhile city officials seem unable to get these fires put out. Hmm. Very suspect.
This is a sign of our times. It’s easy to blame global warming and inept politicians.
But there’s nothing like chaos to enable evil men to play. Which is why World Wars and global pandemics mean good business to unscrupulous individuals, ready to cash-in on disaster. These are the very real James Bond megalomaniacs bent on world domination.
Putin is a prime example. Other players are less obvious in the public eye but more destructive to democracy and freedom, such as the Rothschilds.
And the worst thing about it all is there are no real actual 007 super-spy heroes to keep these assholes in check. No Rambo to kick the bad guys asses, no amateur detective sleuths or Supermen, to bring our most heinous criminals to justice.
And the bad guys know this. And continue wrecking the world. The only world we got by the way.
The best we got to counter crime, is a failing police force and our crumbling judicial system, rife with corruption, where a few good men and women, working long hours, turn the wheels and keep things afloat.
But fear not. All is not lost. There are others who also make a difference. They work in our local shops and local offices. They work in the NHS and our Tax departments. They play musical instruments and create great works of art. They love animals and campaign for a better world.
They work in our schools and raise children, teaching them right from wrong. They don’t wear capes and they certainly don’t run around with flame-throwers. I’m talking about people like yourself.
And that can make all the difference folks, between heaven and hell.
Ultimately once the L.A. fires have done their worst, when the Hollywood sign itself is mere cinders and the miracle rains finally come, there will be an token enquiry.
An inquisition perhaps, aimed at political incompetence. Perhaps Mayor Governor Gavin Newsom will pin it on various cut-backs, footing the blame on a crumbling infrastructure unable to cope with such an obvious disaster, in the face of global warming.
An Act of God, he will say. We just need more money. Your money basically.
And when its all done and dusted, you the tax payer, will foot the bill.